This beautiful tabby named originally called Flemish has been renamed Hamish. He was left behind when his owner moved. Hamish turned up near a police station along with another cat named Belgian. The police were worried about him and brought him to ACC of NYC. He wound up with a severe upper respiratory infection and was transferred to us for care. Hamish still has a severe upper respiratory infection and is being fed through an esophageal feeding tube, but it looks like somebody is finally starting to feel better! About 8 years of age, Hamish is looking for a new home to call his own. If adopted by a Senior, Hamish would apply for our Seniors for Seniors program where medical costs within reason would be covered by the Patricia H.Ladew Foundation.
If you would like further information about Hamish, please feel free to email us at info@theladewcatsanctuary.org or call us at 516-922-CATS (2287).
To adopt Hamish when he is ready, please fill out our Adoption Application.
You can help us help Hamish by sponsoring him. Gift sponsorship is also available. Recipients will receive a personalized letter from him.